3044am永利集团官网教授,生物化工、生物工程、化学工程专业硕/博士生导师,生物反应器工程国家重点实验室学术委员会委员,动物细胞与组织工程研究室主任,3044am永利集团官网张江现代生物技术研究院经理。《高校化学工程学报》编委会副主委,《Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering》、《3044am永利集团官网学报(自然科学版)》编委。上海市第十、十一、十二届政协委员。
领导团队突出动物细胞大规模培养过程及其生物反应器工程优势和特色,通过重点开展动物细胞无血清无蛋白培养基组成设计与优化、高密度动物细胞培养过程物质能量代谢调控与产物表达机制、生物反应器流体混合与气液传质、动物细胞生理状态与病毒感染复制、动物细胞培养过程参数检测与控制等关键科学与工程问题的研究,建立了服务于抗体、重组蛋白、病毒疫苗等药物高效工业化生产关键技术开发和应用的动物细胞培养过程及其生物反应器工程优化放大技术平台,是目前国内唯一具备动物细胞培养过程开发和优化、生物反应器设计放大和操作强化、优化的科研教学团队,并且与国内生物医药龙头企业建立了紧密的产学研合作关系。创建了具有国际先进水平的国内首条细胞密度千万级(107 cells/ml)、生物反应器规模千升级(2250L)、抗体融合蛋白表达超过每升克级的动物细胞无血清高密度培养工业化生产线,以及彻底改变生产历史的基于MDCK细胞无血清高密度悬浮培养的流感病毒疫苗工业化生产线,两条生产线均已投入正常运行,创造了显著的经济效益和社会效益。
1980.9-1982.7 浙江省杭州化工学校化工机械专业(高中中专);
1988.9-1990.7 华东化工学院化学工程专业硕士研究生;
1990.9-1993.7 3044am永利集团官网化学工程专业博士研究生。
1982.09-1988.07 浙江省桐乡农药厂,任技术员;
1993.08-1995.08 3044am永利集团官网生化工程研究所助理研究员;
1995.09-1998.09 3044am永利集团官网副教授,动物细胞与组织工程研究室主任;
1997.04-1997.10 德国Bielefeld大学客座教授;
1998.10-至今 3044am永利集团官网教授,博士生导师(2000.03-至今),动物细胞与组织工程研究室主任;
1996.09-2004.08 3044am永利集团官网生化工程研究所所长;
1998.07-2012.08 3044am永利集团官网生物反应器工程国家重点实验室副主任;
2006.09-2009.11 3044am永利集团官网科技处副处长;
2009.12-2015.09 3044am永利集团官网工程教育学系系主任,兼高等教育研究所所长、理工优秀生部主任;
2011.12-2015.12 3044am永利集团官网学术委员会委员;
2012.06-至今 生物反应器工程国家重点实验室学术委员会委员;
2012.11-至今 3044am永利集团官网海正研究院经理。
2014.11-至今 3044am永利集团官网张江现代生物技术研究院经理
1. 无血清培养基高通量开发与优化技术,国家863计划生物技术领域(2012.01-2015.12),项目编号:2012AA02A303。
2. 疫苗新型细胞基质、佐剂和疫苗递送系统研究,国家科技重大专项(2013.01-2015.12),项目编号:2013ZX10004003。
3. 动物细胞大规模无血清培养技术开发与应用,浙江海正药业股份有限公司技术开发项目(2012.01
4. 抗体和疫苗生物制造技术应用服务平台及原材料和装备国产化中试基地建设,上海市重大项目(2015.01
1. 用于骨髓间充质干细胞体外培养和扩增的无血清培养基。ZL 200710047035.0。
2. 用于造血细胞体外培养的生物反应器系统。ZL 200710044747.7。
3. 从微生物发酵液中分离提取透明质酸的方法。ZL 200710043728.2。
4. 用于难浸硫化金矿生物氧化的反应器,ZL 2008100376724。
5. 用于透明质酸发酵的新型反应器。ZL 200710043820.9。
6. 适于NS0细胞大规模培养及抗体生产的无蛋白培养基。ZL 200810039305.8。
7. 肺炎克雷伯氏菌及其制备氢气和2,3-丁二醇的方法。ZL 200910046726.8。
8. 适于动物细胞产品生产的无动物来源低蛋白培养基。ZL 200910053506.8。
9. 适于MDCK细胞大规模贴壁培养和单细胞悬浮培养的无血清培养基。ZL 201010022834.4。
10. 适于动物细胞高密度培养和产物表达的营养物添加剂. ZL 201110148826.9。
11. 适于大规模生产流感疫苗的无血清培养基。ZL 201310011998.0。
[1]. Min Chen, Yi Zhang, Yan Zhou, Yan Zhang, Meidong Lang, Zhaoyang Ye, Wen-Song Tan (2015) Pendant small functional groups on poly(?-caprolactone) substrate modulate adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 134: 322-331.
[2]. Feiyue Xu, Lei Xu, Qi Wang, Yan Zhou, Zhaoyang Ye, Wen-Song Tan (2015) A three-dimensional dynamic coculture system enabling facile cell separation for chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 103: 68-76.
[3]. Jintao Liu, Xinning Chen, Li Fan, Xiancun Deng, H. Fai Poon, Wen-Song Tan, Xuping Liu (2015) Monitoring sialylation levels of Fc-fusion protein using size-exclusion chromatography as a process analytical technology tool. Biotechnology Letters, 37(7): 1371-1377.
[4]. Xintao Zhang, Hongping Tang, Ya-Ting Sun, Xuping Liu, Wen-Song Tan, Li Fan (2015) Elucidating the effects of arginine and lysine on a monoclonal antibody C-terminal lysine variation in CHO cell cultures. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(16): 6643-6652.
[5]. Xintao Zhang, Ya-Ting Sun, Hongping Tang, Li Fan, Dongdong Hu, Jintao Liu, Xuping Liu, Wen-Song Tan (2015) Culture temperature modulates monoclonal antibody charge variation distribution in Chinese hamster ovary cell cultures. Biotechnology Letters, 37(11): 2151-2157.
[6]. Dongdong Hu, Yating Sun, Xuping Liu, Jintao Liu, Xintao Zhang, Liang Zhao, Haibin Wang, Wen-Song Tan, Li Fan (2015) Understanding the intracellular effects of yeast extract on the enhancement of Fc-fusion protein production in Chinese hamster ovary cell culture. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(20): 8429-8440.
[7]. Ding Huang, Wenjuan Peng, Qian Ye, Xuping Liu, Liang Zhao, Li Fan, Kang Xia-Hou, Hanjing Jia, Jian Luo, Linting Zhou, Beibei Li, Shilei Wang, Wenting Xu, Ze Chen, Wen-Song Tan (2015) Serum-free suspension culture of MDCK cells for production of influenza H1N1 vaccines. PLOS ONE, 10(11): e0141686.
[8]. Yaya Liu, Weiyan Zhang, Xiancun Deng, Hong Fai Poon, Xuping Liu, Wen-Song Tan, Yan Zhou, Li Fan (2015) Chinese hamster ovary cell performance enhanced by a rational divide-and-conquer strategy for chemically defined medium development. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 120(6): 690-696.
[9]. Xuping Liu, Ding Huang, Wen-Song Tan, Jian Luo, Ze Chen (2015) Overcoming nutrient limitations for cell-based production of influenza vaccine. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 11(7): 1685-1688.
[10]. Zheng Du, Ziyan Wang, Weiwei Zhang, Haibo Cai, Wen-Song Tan (2015) Stem cell factor is essential for preserving NOD/SCID reconstitution capacity of ex vivo expanded cord blood CD34(+) cells. Cell Proliferation, 48(3): 293-300.
[1]. Feiyue Xu, Lei Xu, Qi Wang, Zhaoyang Ye, Yan Zhou, Wen-Song Tan (2014) 3D dynamic culture of rabbit articular chondrocytes encapsulated in alginate gel beads using spinner flasks for cartilage tissue regeneration. BioMed Research International, 2014:539789.
[2]. Maiqin Chen, Min Zhou, Zhaoyang Ye, Yan Zhou, Wen-Song Tan (2014) Ectopic osteogenesis of macroscopic tissue constructs assembled from human mesenchymal stem cell-laden microcarriers through in vitro perfusion culture. PLoS One, 9(10): e109214.
[3]. Xiu Wang, Qingling Jiao, Songjie Zhang, Zhaoyang Ye, Yan Zhou, Wen-Song Tan (2014) Perfusion culture-induced template-assisted assembling of cell-laden microcarriers is a promising route for fabricating macrotissues. Biotechnology Journal, 9(11): 1425-34.
[4]. Qingchun Zhang, Ke Tan, Yan Zhang, Zhaoyang Ye, Wen-Song Tan, Meidong Lang (2014) In situ controlled release of rhBMP-2 in gelatin-coated 3D porous poly(ε-caprolactone) scaffolds for homogeneous bone tissue formation. Biomacromolecules, 15 (1): 84–94.
[5]. Houyong Luo, Maiqin Chen, Xiu Wang, Yang Mei, Zhaoyang Ye, Yan Zhou, Wen-Song Tan (2014) Fabrication of viable centimeter-sized 3D tissue constructs with microchannel conduits for improved tissue properties through assembly of cell-laden microbeads. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 8(6): 493-504.
[6]. Bin Lei, Xu Zhang, Minglong Zhu, Wensong Tan (2014) Effect of fluid shear stress on catalytic activity of biopalladium nanoparticles produced by Klebsiella Pneumoniae ECU-15 on Cr(VI) reduction reaction. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 1: 28.
[7]. Ding Huang, Kang Xia-Hou, Xu-Ping Liu, Liang Zhao, Li Fan, Zhaoyang Ye, Wen-Song Tan, Jian Luo, Ze Chen (2014) Rational design of medium supplementation strategy for improved influenza viruses production based on analyzing nutritional requirements of MDCK Cells. Vaccine, 52(32) : 7091–7097.
[1]. Jianyun Ge, Haibo Cai, Qunliang Li, Zheng Du, Wen-Song Tan (2013) Effects of telomerase activity and apoptosis on ex vivo expansion of cord blood CD34+ cells. Cell Proliferation, 46:38-44.
[2]. Qiang Jing , Haibo Cai, Zheng Du , Zhaoyang Ye & Wen-song Tan (2013) Effects of agitation speed on the ex vivo expansion of cord blood hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in stirred suspension culture. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 41(2): 98–102.
[3]. Qingchun Zhang, Yun Jiang, Yan Zhang, Zhaoyang Ye, Wen-Song Tan, Meidong Lang (2013) Effect of porosity on long-term degradation of poly (ε-caprolactone) scaffolds and their cellular response. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 98(1): 209-18.
[4]. Qingchun Zhang, Houyong Luo, Yan Zhang, Yan Zhou, Zhaoyang Ye, Wen-Song Tan, Meidong Lang (2013) Fabrication of Three-dimensional Poly(ε-caprolactone) Scaffolds with Hierarchical Pore Structures for Tissue Engineering. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 33(4): 2094-2103.
[5]. Lei Xu, Qi Wang, Feiyue Xu, Zhaoyang Ye, Yan Zhou, Wen-Song Tan (2013) Mesenchymal Stem Cells Downregulate Articular Chondrocyte Differentiation in Non-contact Coculture Systems: Implications in Cartilage Tissue Regeneration. Stem Cells and Development, 22(11): 1657-1669.
[6]. Ya-Ting Sun, Liang Zhao, Zhao-Yang Ye, Li Fan, Xu-Ping Liu, and Wen-Song Tan (2013) An Investigation Into the Relationship Between Metabolic Responses and Energy Regulation in Antibody-Producing Cell. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 23(11): 1586–1597.
[7]. Ya-Ting Sun, Liang Zhao, Xu-Ping Liu, Dong-dong Hu, Li Fan, Wen-Song Tan (2013) Application of improved top-down approach in maximizing CHO cell mass and productivity in fed-batch culture. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 88(7): 1237-1247.
[8]. Ya-ting Sun, Liang Zhao, Zhaoyang Ye, Li Fan, Xu-ping Liu, Wen-Song Tan (2013) Development of a fed-batch cultivation for antibody-producing cells based on combined feeding strategy of glucose and galactose. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 81: 126-135.
[9]. Yan Xiao, Xu Zhang, Minglong Zhu, Wensong Tan (2013) Effect of the culture media optimization, pH and temperature on the biohydrogen production and the hydrogenase activities by Klebsiella pneumoniae ECU-15. Bioresource Technology, 137(6): 9-17.
[10]. Hongxing Niu, Zakaria Amribt, Patrick Fickers, Wensong Tan, Philippe Bogaerts (2013) Metabolic pathway analysis and reduction for mammalian cell cultures—Towards macroscopic modeling. Chemical Engineering Science, 102: 461-473.