曹学君, 男, 教授, 博士,中共党员,3044am永利集团网址,博士生导师。1996年博士毕业,工作在3044am永利集团官网生物反应器工程国家重实验室(生物工程系) 从事生物分离工程研究工作,并担任相应的教学工作。2003年10月至2004年10月参加中组部团中央第三批博士服务团支援西部建设挂职锻炼,任内蒙古民族大学董事长助理。2004年11月至2016年3月任3044am永利集团教学副经理。五次获得国家自然科学基金项目资助:“两水相体系交联酶相转移催化合成头孢IV (29873014,1999.1-2001.12)”、“光敏可再生两水相成相材料的研制”(20474016,2005.1-2007.12)、“多孔硅胶表面分子印迹吸附剂在超临界条件下的分离行为”(20676032,2007.1-2009.12)、“促溶离子提高反胶束萃取效率的机制与应用研究”(20976052,2010.1-2012.12)、“再生型两水相体系成相与分配的分子调控机制及其应用研究”(21376078,2014.1-2017.12)。主要参与“十一五”国家重大新药创制专项-生物技术新药中试放大及分离纯化技术平台项目(2009ZX09306-001,2009.1-2010.12)。牵头负责“十二五”863重大化工产品的先进生物制造重大项目-柠檬酸与葡萄糖酸的生物转化技术(2011AA02A213)。在国内外主要刊物上发表包括AIChE J、 J. Chromatography A、 Chemcal Engineering Journal、Bioresource Technology 及J. Biotechnology在内的学术论文130余篇,发明专利36项。主编《现代生物分离工程》教材, 负责《生物分离工程》国家精品资源共享课程及教育部海外留学品牌英语课程。目前,兼职上海市化学化工学会生物技术与工程专委会主任。
1993.9-1996.7 3044am永利集团官网化学工程系博士
1990.9-1993.7 3044am永利集团官网生化工程系硕士
1979.9-1982.7 河南开封医专药学系(现为河南大学药学院)
1982.07--1986.10 河南信阳卫校(现为信阳职业技术学院)药学专业任教药物制剂学
1986.10--1990.07 河南省信阳豫南制药厂 抗生素工业生产
2000.01--2002.02 韩国仁荷大学校生物工程系博士后
1996.07--至今 3044am永利集团官网生物反应器工程国家重点实验室,生物工程系
1. 蛋白质与天然活性成分的分离纯化
2. 再生型两水相体系萃取与酶催化反应
3. 生物分离材料的制备
教 学:
1. 生物分离工程(工学硕士,工程硕士)
2. 生物分离工程(生物工程本科,双语,全英语)
1. Jinxue Shen, Dongdong Dong, Zefa Wang, Junfen Wan & Xuejun Cao*, Synthesis of ursodeoxycholic acid by electrochemical stereoselective reduction of 7‑ketolithocholic acid in aprotic solvents ,Scientifc Reports, 2021, 11:16273
2. Yang, Ting; Yang, Shi; Ahmed, Tasdiq; Nguyen, Katherine; Yu, Jinlong; Cao, Xuejun; Zan, Rui; Zhang, Xiaonong; Shen, Hao; Fay, Meredith E.; Williams, Evelyn Kendall; Lam, Wilbur A.; VanEpps, Jeremy Scott; Takayama, Shuichi; Song, Yang, Dosage-Dependent Antimicrobial Activity of DNA-Histone Microwebs Against Staphylococcus Aureus,Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 8(17): 0-2100717.
3. Hainan Zeng, Xue Yu, Junfen Wan ∗, Xuejun Cao ∗,Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers based on boronate af for diol-containing macrolide antibiotics with hydrophobicity-balanced and pH-responsive cavities, Journal of Chromatography A, 2021,1642: 461969.
4. Xi Chen,YanliWei,TingYang,YiboGuo,JunfenWan*,XuejunCao*,Separation of recombinant monoclonal antibodies IgG201 from a cell culture supernatant using an integrated aqueous two-phase system with thermo-separating EOPO, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 275: 119246.
5. Wei, Yanli; Chen, Xi; Yang, Ting; Wan, Junfen; Cao, Xuejun*,Partition of Tea Saponin with a Novel Recyclable Thermo-pH Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2021, 193(10): 3062-3078.
6. Yan Wang, Ting Yang, Hainan Zeng, Junfen Wan *, Xuejun Cao *,Study of lincomycin partition in a recyclable thermo-pH responsive aqueous two-phase system, Process Biochemistry, 2021,109: 27:36.
7. Yan Zhang , Hongzhou Zhang, Dong He, Xuejun Cao*, Junfen Wan * Partition, of spiramycin in a recyclable aqueous two-phase system based on pH-responsive and thermosensitive polymers, Process Biochemistry, 2020, 99 :254-264.
8. Hainan Zeng, Xue Yu, Junfen Wan*, Xuejun Cao*, Rational design and synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) for purifying tylosin by seeded precipitation polymerization, Process Biochemistry, 2020, 94: 329-339.
9. Wang, Zhenping; Chen, Xi; Wan, Junfen; Cao, Xuejun*, Study of Microbial Transglutaminase Partitioning in Thermo-pH-Responsive Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2020, 192(4): 1176-1190
10. Wu, Yuanwang; Mu, Haiyan; Cao, Xuejun*; He, Xiao*,Polymer-supported graphene-TiO2 doped with nonmetallic elements with enhanced photocatalytic reaction under visible light,Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55(4): 1577-1591.
11. Xue Yu, Hainan Zeng, Junfen Wan∗ , Xuejun Cao∗,Computational design of a molecularly imprinted polymer compatible with an aqueous environment for solid phase extraction of chenodeoxycholic acid, Journal of Chromatography A, 2020,1609 :460490
12. Yang, Fuhao,Wan, Junfen,Cao, Xuejun*,Preparation of a recyclable novel thermoresponsive affinity copolymer and its application towards epsilon-polylysine purification,Process Biochemistry,2020, 88: 204-212
13. Bai, Shan; Wan, JunFen*; Cao, XueJun*, Partitioning of tylosin in recyclable aqueous two-phase systems based on two pH-responsive polymers , Process Biochemistry, 2019, 87: 204-212.
14. Gai, Zhiliang; Wan, Junfen; Cao, Xuejun*,Synthesis of pH-responsive polymers forming recyclable aqueous two-phase systems and application to the extraction of demeclocycline ,Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 142: 89-96.
15. Juan He, Junfen Wan, Ting Yang, Xuejun Cao*. Recyclable aqueous two-phase system based on two pH-responsive copolymers and its application to porcine circovirus type 2 Cap protein purification, Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1555: 113-123.
16. Lili Dong, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao*. Separation of transglutaminase using aqueous two-phase systems composed of two pH-response polymers, Journal of Chromatography A, 2018, 1555: 106-112.
17. Haiyan Mu, Junfen Wan, Yuanwang Wu, Juan Xu, Le Wang, Xuejun Cao*. Novel polymer supported graphene and molybdenum sulfide as highly efficient cocatalyst for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(39): 18105-18114.
18. Qi Liu, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao*. Synthesis of core-shell molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) for spiramycin I and their application in MIP chromatography. Process Biochemistry, 2018, 70: 168-178.
19. Hongxia Pan, Ting Yang, Jialing Chen, Xuejun Cao*. Biosynthesis of cefprozil in an aqueous two-phase system composed of pH-responsive copolymers and its crysallization analysis. Process Biochemistry, 2018, 64: 124-129.
20. Sipeng Li, Jifu Liu, Zhaoyang Ding, Xuejun Cao*. Application of nickel (II) thermo-responsive affinity polymer to porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) cap protein purification and interaction analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Process Biochemistry, 2018, 69: 216-223.
21. Sipeng Li, Jialing Chen, Xuanjun Zhang, Zhaoyang Ding, Xuejun Cao*. Preparation and Characterization of a pH-responsive Polymer that Interacts with Microbial Tranglutaminase during Affinity Precipitation. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2018, 23(1): 31-38.
22. Junfen Wan, Wenying Dong, Daisong Hou, Zhenping Wang, Xuejun Cao*. Polymerization of a new thermo-responsive copolymer with N-vinylcaprolactam and its application in recyclable aqueous two-phase systems with another thermo-responsive polymer. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2018, 5(1).
23. Chen Jialing, Ding Zhaoyang, Pan Hongxia, Cao Xuejun* Development of pH-responsive polymer and citrate aqueous two-phase system for extractive bioconversion of cefprozil, Talanta, 2017;174,256-264.
24. Li Sipeng,Ding Zhaoyang, Liu Jifu, Cao Xuejun*, Metal-Chelate Affinity Precipitation with Thermo-Responsive Polymer for Purification of epsilon-Poly-l-Lysine, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,2017, 183:4,1254-1264.
25. Yu Tingting, Lin Mingxiang, Wan, Junfen, Cao Xuejun*, Molecular interaction mechanisms in reverse micellar extraction of microbial transglutaminase, Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1511,25-36.
26. Ding Zhaoyang, Kang Lin, Liu Jifu, Zhang, Xuanju, Cao Xuejun*, Preparation of pH-responsive metal chelate affinity polymer for adsorption and desorption of insulin, Journal of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology, 2017;92:7,1590-1595.
27. Lin Mingxiang, Yu Tingting, Wan, Junfen, Cao Xuejun*, Prediction of the Reverse Micellar Extraction of Papain Using Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2017;181:4,1338-1346.
28. Yueqian Zhang, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao*, Separation of cordycepin using surface molecular imprinting technology, Process Biochemistry, 2016, 51:517-527.
29. Sipeng Li, Zhaoyang Ding, Xuejun Cao*, Separation of transglutaminase by thermo-responsive affinity precipitation using L-thyroxin as ligand, SpringPlus, 2016 , 5:37-49.
30. Zhaoyang Ding,Sipeng Li,Xuejun Cao,Separation of transglutaminase using l-thyroxin as ligand by pH-responsive affinity Precipitation, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine,2016,12(2):553~553.
31. Juan Xu, Le Wang, Xuejun Cao*,Polymer Supported Graphene-CdS Composite Catalyst with Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Water Splitting under Visible Light,Chemical Engineering Journal,2016, 283 :816–825.
32. Jiali Liu, Xuejun Cao* Preparation of novel alkaline pH-responsive copolymers for the formation of recyclable aqueous two-phase systems and their application in the extraction of lincomycin,Journal of Separation Science,2016 ,39(3): 584-594.
33. Xiaomei Huang and Xuejun Cao*, Preparation of ursodeoxycholic acid from 7-ketone lithocholic acid by stereoselective electroreduction,Bioresources and Bioprocessing,2015,2:27.
34. Huiyun Hou, Xuejun Cao* , pH recycling aqueous two-phase systems applied in extraction of Maitake β-Glucan and mechanism analysis using Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,Journal of Chromatography A,2015,1405:40–48.
35. Zhaoyang Ding, Sipeng Li, Xuejun Cao*, Microbial transglutaminase separation by pH-responsive affinity precipitation with Crocein Orange G as the ligand, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology ,2015, 177:253–266.
36. Zi Wang; Xuejun Cao*, Preparation of core-shell molecular imprinting polymer for lincomycin A and its application in chromatographic column, Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50(7):1136–1145
37. Juan Xu, Xuejun Cao*, Characterization and mechanism of MoS2/CdS composite photocatalyst used for hydrogen production from water splitting under visible light,Chemical Engineering Journal,2015 , 260:642-648.
38. Daisong Hou, Xuejun Cao*,Synthesis of two thermo-responsive copolymers forming recyclableaqueous two-phase systems and its application in cefprozil partition,Journal of Chromatography A,2014,1349 30–36
39. Chaohui Zhu and Xuejun Cao*, Synthesis of Cefprozil Using Penicillin G Acylase in Recyclable Aqueous Two-phase Systems, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering , 2014,19: 844-850.
40. Xiaolei Ma, Xuejun Cao*, Separation of ursodeoxycholic acid by silylation crystallization, Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2014, 1:5.
41. Zhaoyang Ding, Sipeng Li, Xuejun Cao*, Separation of lysozyme from salted duck egg white by affinity precipitation using pH-responsive polymer with an L-thyroxin ligand,Separation and Purification Technology, 2014,138 :153–160.
42. Bo Yan, Xuejun Cao*, Phase diagram of novel recycling aqueous two-phase systems composed of two pH-response polymers: Experiment and modeling, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2014, 364: 42–47.
43. Jingjing Liu,Xuejun Cao*, Biodegradation of Cellulose by β-glucosidase and Cellulase Immobilized on a pH-responsive Copolymer, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2014, 19: 829-837
44. Daisong Hou, Yanjie Li, Xuejun Cao*. Synthesis of two thermo-sensitive copolymers forming aqueous two-phase systems. Separation and Purification Technology, 2014,122 :217–224.
45. Xiangxi Yuan, Xiaolei Ma, and Xuejun Cao*, Preparation of ursodeoxycholic acid by direct electro-reduction of 7-ketolithocholic acid, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 2014, 31(7):1276-1280.
46. Tingting Yu, Xuejun Cao*, Effect of chaotropes on lipase back extraction recovery in the process of reverse micellar extraction, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014, 172(6):3287-3296.
47. Zhaoyang Ding, Kai Zheng, and Xuejun Cao* , Lipase Purification by Affinity Precipitation with a Thermo-responsive Polymer Immobilized Cibacron Blue F3GA Ligand, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2014, 19: 892-899.
48. Shutao Li,Xuejun Cao*,Enzymatic synthesis of Cephalexin in recyclable aqueous two-phase systems composed by two pH responsive polymers,Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 90:301–306.
49. Zhaoyang Ding, Lin Kang, Xuejun Cao* Application of docking methods for metal chelate affinity precipitation of endo-glucanase using pH-response polymer, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2014,113: 412–420.
50. Songli Li, Xuejun Cao*, Extraction of tea polysaccharides (TPS) using anionic reverse micellar system, Separation and Purification Technology , 2014, 122 306–314
51. Zhaoyang Ding and Xuejun Cao*,Affinity precipitation of human serum albuminusing a thermo-response polymer with an L-thyroxin ligand, BMC Biotechnology, 2013, 13:109
52. Jingjing Liu, Xuejun Cao*,Biodegradation of microcrystalline cellulose in pH–pH recyclable aqueous two-phase systems with water-soluble immobilized cellulose, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 79:136-143
53. Junfen Wan, Qingxi Li, Feng Zhou, Jingjing Liu, Xuejun Cao* ,Influence of chaotropes on recovery of trypsin and micellar sizes during reverse micelle extraction, Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 116:307–31
54. He Tian, Hongbin Zhao, Xuejun Cao * Catalytic transfer hydrogenation of 7-ketolithocholic acid to ursodeoxycholic acid with Raney nickel, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,2013,19: 606-613
55. Zhaoyang Ding, Xuejun Cao*, Affinity precipitation of cellulase using pH-response polymer with Cibacron Blue F3GA, Separation and Purification Technology, 2013,102:136–141
56. Jingjing Liu, Xuejun Cao*,Biodegradation of cellulose in novel recyclable aqueous two-phase systems withwater-soluble immobilized cellulose, Process Biochemistry, 2012, 47: 1998–2004
57. Bo Yan. Xuejun Cao*, Preparation of aqueous two-phase systems composed of two pH-response polymers for liquid-liquid extraction of demeclocycline,Journal of Chromatography A, 2012,1245:39- 45
58. Wenjuan Liang, Xuejun Cao*, Preparation of a pH-sensitive polyacrylate amphiphilic copolymer and its application in cellulase immobilization, Bioresource Technology ,2012, 116:140-146
59. Yun-Xian Wang, Xue-Jun Cao *, Extracting keratin from chicken feathers by using a hydrophobic ionic liquid, Process Biochemistry, 2012, 47: 896–899
60. Junfen Wan, Jiemin He, Xuejun Cao*, A Novel Process for Preparing Pure Chenodeoxycholic Acid from Poultry Bile, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2012, 18: 65-71
61. Bo Zhou, Junfen Wan,Jinzhi Wang, Xuejun Cao*, Effect of chaotropes in reverse micellar extraction of kallikrein, Process Biochemistry, 2012, 47:229–233
62. Zhihua Jia, Xiaoli Zhang*, Xuejun Cao*, Jiandang Liu, Baofu Qin, Production of lovastatin by a self-resistant mutant of Aspergillus terreus, Ann Microbiol ,2011, 61:615–621
63. Yingying Wang, Xuejun Cao*, Enzymatic synthesis of fatty acid ethyl esters by utilizing camellia oil soapstocks and diethyl carbonate, Bioresource Technology,2011,102:10173–10179
64. Li Hui, Cao Xuejun*, Bioconversion of Cephalosporin-G to 7-ADCA in a pH-thermo sensitive Recycling Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, Process Biochemistry, 2011,46: 1753–1758
65. Baojun Yang and Xuejun CAO*, Synthesis the artemisinin-imprinting polymers on silica surface and its adsorption behavior in supercritical CO2 fluid, AIChE J, 2011, 57(12):3512-3521
66. Xiao-Yan Gong, Xue-Jun Cao*, Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers for artemisinin based on the surfaces of silica gel , Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 153: 8–14
67. Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao*, Wei Wang, Biao Ning, Xian Li,Partition of Several Model Bioproducts in recycling aqueous two-phase systems with pH/light responsive copolymers,Separation and Purification Technology , 2010,76:104–109
68. Siliang Zhang, Xuejun Cao, Ju Chu, Jiangchao Qian, and Yingping Zhuang, Bioreactors and Bioseparation, Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol, 2010,122: 105–150
69. Shu Miao, Jinpeng Chen, Xuejun Cao* Preparation of a novel hermo-sensitive copolymer forming recyclable aqueous two-phase systems and its application in bioconversion of Penicillin G,Separation and Purification Technology,2010,75: 156–164
70. Yanjie Li, Xuejun Cao*, Prediction of phase diagrams for new pH-thermo sensitive recycling aqueous two-phase systems, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2010, 298:206–211
71. Jinpeng Chen, Shu Miao , Junfen Wan, Jinan Xia, Xuejun Cao*, Synthesis and Initial Application of Two Light-Sensitive Copolymers Forming Recyclable Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, Process Biochemistry, 2010, 45:1928–1936
72. Hongbin Zhao, He Tian, Yonghong Jin, Xuejun Cao*, Synthesis of 7-ketolithocholic acid via indirect electrooxidation of chenodeoxycholic acid, J Appl. Electrochem, 2010,40:1307–1316
73. LIANG Shuang, WAN Junfen*, ZHU Jianliang, CAO Xuejun*, Effects of porogens on the morphology and enantioselectivity of core-shell molecularly imprinted polymers with ursodeoxycholic acid, Separation and Purification Technology, 2010, 72: 208–216
74. ZHOU Libo, WAN Junfen*, CAO Xuejun*, Synthesis of thermo-sensitive copolymer with affinity butyl ligand and its application in lipase purification, Journal of Chromatography B, 2010, 878 : 1025–1030
75. Song Qingrong, Zhu Jianliang, Wan Junfen, Cao Xuejun*, Measurement and modelling of epigallocatechin gallate solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide fluid with ethanol cosolvent, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 2010, 55, 3946–3951
76. Xian Li, Junfen Wan, Xuejun Cao*, Preliminary application of light-pH sensitive recycling aqueous two-phase systems to purification of lipase,Process Biochemistry, 2010,45:598–601
77. Zhihua Jia, Xiaoli Zhang, Yaling Zhao, Xuejun Cao*, Effects of divalent metal cations on lovastatin biosynthesis from Aspergillus terreus in chemically defined medium, World J Microbiol Biotechnol , 2009,25:1235–1241
78. Zhihua Jia, Xiaoli Zhang,2* and Xuejun Cao*, Effects of carbon sources on fungal morphology and lovastatin biosynthesis by submerged cultivation of Aspergillus terreus,Asia-Pac. J. Chem. Eng., 2009;,4: 672–677
79. Zhihua Jia, Xiaoli Zhang, Yaling Zhao*, Xuejun Cao*, Enhancement of Lovastatin Production by Supplementing Polyketide Antibiotics to the Submerged Culture of Aspergillus terreus,Appl Biochem Biotechnol,DOI 10.1007/s12010-009-8762-1
80. Haixia Wang, JunfenWan, Xuejun Cao*,Preparation of a pH-sensitive affinity precipitation polymer and its application in purification of trypsin,Separation and Purification Technology, 2009,68:172–177
81. Xiao-Yan Gong, Xue-Jun Cao*, Measurement and correlation of solubility of artemisinin in supercritical carbon dioxide, Fluid Phase Equilibria , 2009,:284 26–30
82. NING Biao WAN Junfen CAO Xuejun* Preparation and recycling of aqueous two-phase systems with pH-sensitive amphiphilic terpolymer PADB, Biotechnology Progress, 2009, 25(3):820-824
83. SHAO Zhihua, KONG Fanqi, CAO Xuejun*,Phase Diagram Prediction of Recycling Aqueous Two-Phase Systems formed by a Light-sensitive Copolymer and Dextran, Korea Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009,26(1): 147-152
84. WANG Wei, WAN Junfen, NING Biao, XIA Jinan, CAO Xuejun*, Preparation of a Novel Light-Sensitive Copolymer and its Application in Recycling Aqueous Two-Phase Systems , Journal of Chromatography A,2008, 1205 (2008) 171–176
85. Ziyun Xu, Junfen Wan, Shuang Liang and Xuejun Cao*, Separation of Ursodeoxycholic acid from its isomeric mixture using core-shell molecular imprinting polymer, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2008. 41:280–287
86. Wei QIN, Xue-Jun CAO*, Synthesis of a Novel pH-Sensitive Methacrylate Amphiphilic Polymer and Its Primary Application in Aqueous Two-phase Systems, Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2008,150:171–183
87. SHAO Zhihua CAO Xuejun*,Prediction of BSA Partitioning in Recycling Aqueous Two Phase Systems composed of PNBC-Dextran with Light-sensitive Polymer, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data,2008, 53 (12), 2755-2757
88. HAO Liu-Ping, CAO Xue-Jun* HUR Byung-Ki, Separation of Single Component of EPA and DHA from Fish Oil Using Silver Ion Modified Molecular Sieve 13X under Supercritical Condition,J. Ind. Eng. Chem ,2008,14:639-643
89. WEN Wen, WAN Junfen, CAO Xuejun*, XIA Jinan, Preparation of a light-sensitive and reversible dissolution copolymer and its application in lysozyme purification, Biotechnology Progress, 2007,23:1124-1129
90. Lin-Jie Chen, Xue-Jun Cao*,Avoiding Inactivation of Proteins in the process of AOT/Isooctane Reverse Micellar Extraction,Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2007,40(6):511-515
91. Kong Fan-Qi, Cao Xue Jun*, Xia Jinan, Synthesis and Application of a Light-sensitive Polymer Forming Aqueous Two-phase Systems, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 2007, 13(3)424-428.
92. Shen Li-Li, Cao Xuejun*, Synthesis of Thermo-sensitive Polyacrylamide Derivatives for Affinity Precipitation and its Application in Purification of Lysozyme, Biochen. Eng. J. 2007.33:66–71.
93. Xuejun Cao and Byung-Ki Hur, Separation of EPA and DHA from Fish Oil Using Modified Zeolite 13X and Supercitical CO2, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 2005, 11(5):762-768
94. Cao Xuejun, Zhu Jianhang, Wei Dongzhi and Byung Ki Hur, Cephalexin biosysthesis in PEG400-ammoniumsulfate and PEG400-magnisum sulfate aqueous two-phase systems, J. Microb.& Biotech., 2004, 14(1):62-67.
95. Cao Xue-jun, Wu Xing-yan, Luis J.P. Fonseca, Joaquim M.S. Cabral and Joao Carlos Marcos, Production of 6-aminopenicillanic acid in aqueous two-phase systems by recombinant Escherichia coli with intracellular penicillin acylase, Biotechnology Letters,2004, 26:97-101.
96. Xuejun Cao, Jianhua Zhou, Zhenhui Huang, Xingyan Wu and Byung Ki Hur, Preparation of high purity urokinase using single step hydrophobic interaction chromatography with p-aminobenzamidine ligand, J. Microb.& Biotech., 2002, 12(2):196-203 .
97. Xuejun Cao, Hyun Shik Yun and Yoon -Mo Koo, Recovery of L (+) Lactic Acid by Anion Exchange Resin Amberlite IRA-400,Biochem. Eng. J.,2002,3592:1–8
98. Cao Xuejun, Zhu Jianhang, Wei Dongzhi and Byung Ki Hur,Partition improvement of cephalexin and 7-aminodeacetoxicephalospronic acid in aqueous two-phase systems for cephalexin synthesis, J. Ind. & Eng., Chem., 2002, 8(3):203-211. .
99. Xuejun Cao, Ho-Joon Lee, Hyun Shik Yun and Yoon -Mo Koo, Crystallization and Dissolution Behavior of L (+) Calcium and Zinc Lactate in Ethanol-Water Solvent, Korea J. Chem. Eng, 2002:19(2):301-304
100. Zhu Jianhang Wei Dongzhi and Cao Xuejun, Effects of Hydrophobicity of Ethylene oxide-Propylene oxide copolymers on Phase Diagrams of Aqueous Two-phase Systems and Partition Behaviors of Cephalexin and 7-aminodeacetoxicephalosporanic Acid, Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 2002,(2):240-243.
101. Xuejun Cao, XingYan Wu, Tong Wu, Keming Jin and Byung Ki Hur,Concentration of 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid from Penicillin Bioconversion Solution and Its Mother Liquor by Nanofiltration Membrane, Biotech. And Bioproc. Eng., 2001, 6:200-204 .
102. Xuejun Cao, Ho-Joon Lee, Hyun Shik Yun and Yoon -Mo Koo, the Solubility of Calcium and Zinc Lactate in Water and Water–ethanol Mixture,Korea J. Chem. Eng., 2001, 18(1): 133-135.
103. Jian-Hang Zhu, Dong-Zhi Wei, Xue-Jun Cao, Ye-Qing Liu and Zhong-Yi Yuan, Partitioning behavior of cephalexin and 7-aminodeacetoxicephalosporanic acid in PEG/ammonium sulfate aqueous two-phase systems, J. Chem. Tech. and Biotech. 2001, 76:1194-1200..
104. Dong-Zhi Wei, Jian-Hang Zhu and Xue-Jun Cao, High performance liquid Chromatographic Determination in the Enzyme Synthesis Process of Cephalexin, Internal Journal of Bio-Chromatography, 2001, 6:245-254.
105. Dong-Zhi Wei, Jian-Hang Zhu, Xue-Jun Cao,Enzymatic synthesis of cephalexin in aqueous two-phase systems, Biochem. Eng. J., 2002, 3599:1-5.
106. Meng Tang , Xuejun Cao, Zuozhen Liu, Xingyan Wu and Gance Dai, Synthesis of Glycidyl Methacrylate-Based Matrix and Its Application in Affinity Chromatography of Urokinase, Proc. Biochem., 1999,34:857-862.
107. Cao, X.J, Zhu, J.W., Wang, D.W., Wu, X.Y., and Dai,G.C., Affinty chromatography purification of urokinase with epichlorohydrin activated agarose matrix , Chinese J. Chem. Eng. 1997, 5(1): 69-73.
108. Xuejun Cao, Jiawen Zhu, Dawei Wang , Xingyan Wu and Gance Dai, Purification of Urokinase by affinity Cross-flow Filtration Using a Water-Soluble Macroligand, Enzyme Engineering XIII, New York Annals of Academic and Science, 1996,V799:454-459.
109. 贾志华,张小里,曹学君* , 碳源对土曲霉中洛伐他汀生物合成的影响, 化学工程,2008, 36 (5):51-54
110. 金科铭,曹学君* ,苏谨,马骊,庄英萍,储炬,张嗣良*, 在可回用两水相体系中进行青霉素酰化酶的相转移催化裂解青霉素G为6一APA,南方医科大学学报, 2008,28(3):360-362
111. 金科铭,曹学君*,庄英萍, 储炬, 张嗣良*, 固定化青霉素酰化酶在光-pH敏感可回用两水相中裂解青霉素G为6-APA , 中国生物工程杂志,2007,27(10):53-58
112. 金科铭,曹学君*,庄英萍,储炬,张嗣良*,Orawan Duerasor,固定化青霉素酰化酶在光敏感可再生两水相体中催化青霉素G为6-APA,3044am永利集团官网学报,2007,33(3):318-322
113. 陈霖杰,曹学君*, AOT/异辛烷反胶束萃取纯化胰蛋白酶及酶变性失活问题的解决,中国生物工程杂志,2007,27(1):75-79
114. 王金枝,曹学君*,反胶束萃取技术分离胰激肽原酶,中国生物工程杂志,2007,27(3):93-99
115. 朱建航,魏东芝,曹学君,袁中一, 酶法合成头孢氨苄的反应-双水相萃取的耦合过程研究, 中国化学工程学报,2003, 54(1): 95-99
116. 刘叶青,徐殿胜,曹学君,桑玉英,长秀萍,重组人酸性成纤维细胞生长因子的分离纯化, 3044am永利集团官网学报,2001,27(4):361-363
117. 何汉平,刘叶青,曹学君,张秀萍,PEG 修饰青霉素酰化酶及其在两水相生物转化体系中的分配,3044am永利集团官网学报,2001, 27(1):109-112
118. 何汉平曹学君, 有机相酶传感器, 化学传感器, 2000, 20(1):2-7
119. 曹学君,刘叶青,膜分离技术在医药工业中的应用(综述),国外医药抗生素分册,2000,21(5):212-214
120. 曹学君,邬行彦,戴干策,利用锌离子从人尿中分离尿激酶,3044am永利集团官网学报,1998,24(4):427-430
121. 曹学君,唐蒙,邬行彦,戴干策,联苯胺亲和层析纯化尿激酶,3044am永利集团官网学报,1998,24(5):515-520
122. 曹学君,邬行彦,朱开昱,戴干策,头孢唑啉为配基亲和层析纯化尿激酶,生物化学与生物物理学报,1998,30(6):635-637
123. 曹学君,邬行彦,反渗透回收结晶母液中6-APA ,生物工程学报, 1998,14(4):468-471
124. 朱家文, 曹学君,王大为,邬行彦,戴干策,水溶性亲和配基的制备及其应用,3044am永利集团官网学报,1999,25(6):563-566.
125. 庞正宇,曹学君,邬行彦,聚苯乙烯亲和载体纯化尿激酶,3044am永利集团官网学报, 1996,22(4):417-421
126. 周昕,曹学君,庞正宇,唐蒙,HD-2弱酸性树脂从人尿中提取尿激酶的研究。中国医药工业杂志, 1996, 27(8):243-245.
127. 曹学君,蒋勇灵,沈晴,邬行彦,青霉素酰化酶基因重组大肠杆菌在两水相体系中的催化反应,中国抗生素杂志, 1994,19(2):131-133.
128. 曹学君,邬行彦,青霉素酰化酶裂解反应的两水相体系中葡聚糖浓度的测定, 中国抗生素杂志,1994.19(1):61-62.
129. 曹学君,孟祥安,邬行彦,产青霉素酰化酶大肠杆菌ACCT11105在两水相体系中的动力学性质研究,中国抗生素杂志,1994.19(1):3-5.
130. 曹学君,何承梁,张保平,卷曲霉素除热原新工艺应用研究,中国药学杂志, 1992.27 (5):288-289.
131. 何承梁,曹学君,卷曲霉素两项主要质量指标分析, 天津药学, 1989,4:14-16.
132. 曹学君, 刘彦明邬行彦, 两水相中聚乙二醇浓度测定, 分析化学, 1993, 21(12):1470
1. 新编生物工艺学(上下册),第22章,层析分离法(下册),P157-181,化工出版社,2003。
2. 曹学君主编,现代生物分离工程,3044am永利集团官网出版社,(国家十五重点图书,“十一五”规划教材),2007年1月。
3. 曹学君主编,生物科学与工程词典(双语教学),化学工业出版社,北京,2006年7月
4. 生物炼制产品与技术(译著), 上海科学技术出版社,2013年1月
1. 曹学君;杨婷;徐小峰, 温度响应型无规共聚醚EO-(20)PO-(80)沉淀法分离谷氨酰胺转氨酶的方法, 申请(专利)号:CN202110825011.3,申请日:2021-07-21申请公布号:CN113528481A, 公开公告日:2021-10-22
2. 陈敬;曹学君;杨婷;陈槿晶;施振洲,用生物酶法炼制羊尾油的方法,申请(专利)号:CN202110791162.1, 申请日:2021-07-13, 申请公布号:CN113502187A,公开公告日:2021-10-15
3. 曹学君; 魏艳丽; 杨婷;万俊芬, 利用热响应型聚合物NPE-108分离纯化杆菌肽的方法,公开申请(专利)号:CN202110743115.X,申请日:2021-06-30,申请公布号:CN113248571A,公开公告日:2021-08-13
4. 曹学君;张燕,用于光解水催化制氢的三元复合催化剂的制备方法及应用专利类型:申请(专利)号:CN202110327705.4, 申请日:2021-03-26, 申请公布号:CN113058601A,公开公告日:2021-07-02.
5. 曹学君;万俊芬;王艳;王振平;张燕;杨婷;魏艳丽, 利用液态热响聚合物EO20PO80分离纯化泰乐菌素,申请(专利)号:CN202011307573.0,申请日:2020-11-20,申请公布号:CN112442094A,公开公告日:2021-03-05.
6. 曹学君;万俊芬;张燕;王振平;王艳;杨婷;魏艳丽;张宏周;贺栋, 利用烷基酚聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯醚NPE-108分离纯化螺旋霉素,申请(专利)号:CN202011312305.8,申请日:2020-11-20,申请公布号:CN112375109A,公开公告日:2021-02-19.
7. 曹学君;万俊芬;陈曦, 利用液态热响应型聚合物EO20PO80分离纯化单克隆抗体,申请(专利)号:CN202011307539.3,申请日:2020-11-20,申请公布号:CN112321704A,公开公告日:2021-02-05.
8. 曹学君,盖志亮,董莉莉,杨婷,白闪,pH响应再生型两水相体系及其应用,申请号 : CN201810191534.5,申请日 : 2018.03.08,公开(公告)号 : CN108359128A,公开(公告)日 : 2020.09.29
9. 曹学君 徐娟 王乐,有机微球支撑的三维石墨烯负载硫化镉复合催化剂及其制备方法, 中国发明专利,申请号 201510446777.5,申请日 2015.07.27,申请公布号 CN 105126907 A ,申请公布日 2015.12.09
10. 王磁, 曹学君,核壳型分子印迹聚合物的制备方法、其产物及产物的应用,中国发明专 利,申请号 201510140627.1,申请日 2015.03.27,申请公布号 CN 104788711 A,申请公布日2015.07.22
11. 曹学君,黄晓梅,董东东,立体选择性制备熊去氧胆酸的方法,中国发明专利,申请号:2014105140268,申请日:2014.09.29,申请公布号:CN104328454A,申请公布日:2015.02.04.
12. 曹学君,马小雷,硅烷化技术纯化熊去氧胆酸的方法,中国发明专利,申请号201410279478.2,申请日:2014年6月20日, 公开(公告)号CN 104017043 A, 公开日:2014-09-03
13. 曹学君,李淑桃,麦祺,崔鹏程,一种pH-pH响应再生型两水相体系的制备方法与应用,中国发明专利,申请号 201410255801.2, 申请日 2014.06.10,公布号 CN 104017226 A, 申请公布日 2014.09.03
14. 曹学君,刘佳莉,可形成偏碱性两水相体系的两种pH响应再生型聚合物及其制备方法与应用,申请号:201310295740.8,申请日:2013-07-15,公开(公告)号103333283A,公开(公告)日2013.10.02
15. 曹学君,祝超慧,唐子安,赵志炎,李玉丹,陈佳伶,在可回用两水相体系中利用固定化青霉素酰化酶催化合成头孢丙烯的方法,申 请 号:201310341198.5,申 请 日:2013.08.07,公 开 (公告) 号:CN103451259A,公开(公告)日:2013.12.18
16. 曹学君;丁兆阳, 以L-甲状腺素为亲和配基的再生型亲和沉淀剂及制备方法和应用以及相关再生型聚合物, 申 请 日:2013.01.30,公开(公告)日:2013.05.22,公 开 (公告) 号:CN103113509A
17. 曹学君,伏星,刘晶晶,可形成偏酸性两水相体系的两种pH响应再生型聚合物及其制备方法与应用, 申 请 号:201210398570.1,申 请 日:2012.10.18,公 开 (公告) 号: CN102875721A,公开(公告)日:2013.01.16
18. 曹学君,袁向玺, 电还原制备熊去氧胆酸,申 请 号:201210180990.2,申 请 日: 2012.06.04,公 开 (公告) 号:CN102660755A,公开(公告)日: 2012.09.12
19. 曹学君,颜波,两种pH敏感再生型聚合物、其制备方法和形成的再生型两水相体系及应用, 申 请 日:2011.07.12, 申 请 号:201110193602.X, 公开(公告)日: 2012.02.08, 公 开 (公告) 号:CN102344520A,授权证号:ZL 2011 1 0193602.X
20. 曹学君,王云先,采用水不溶性离子液体提取家禽羽毛角蛋白的方法及相关的家禽羽毛角蛋白溶液,申 请 日:2011.05.17,申 请 号:201110127754.X,公开(公告)日:2011.11.02,公 开 (公告) 号:CN102229665A
21. 曹学君,梁文娟,刘晶晶,用于水溶性固定化纤维素酶的pH敏感再生型聚合物及其制备方法与应用,申 请 日:2011.05.26,申请(专利)号:201110138591.5,公开(公告)日:2011.11.23,公 开 (公告) 号: CN102250278A,授权证号:ZL 2011 1 0138591.5
22. 曹学君,李艳杰,陈金鹏,两种温度敏感可逆溶解成相聚合物、其制备方法及形成的再生型两水相体系,申请(专利)号: CN201010226067.9,申请日: 2010.07.1,公开(公告)号: CN101906185,授权证号:ZL 2010 1 0226067.9
23. 曹学君, 朱建良, 多孔硅胶硅表面熊去氧胆酸分子印迹聚合物及其制备和应用,申请号:CN201010225662.0, 申请日: 2010.07.13,公开(公告)号:CN101885814A,授权证号:ZL 2010 1 0225662.0
24. 曹学君,龚小雁,郁晓娟, 多孔硅胶表面青蒿素分子印迹聚合物及其制备和应和方法,申请号:CN201010155993.1,申请日: 2010.04.23, 公开(公告)号: CN101845126A,授权专利号:ZL 2010 1 0155993.1
25. 曹学君,杨宝君,硅胶颗粒表面青蒿素分子印迹聚合物及其制备和应用方法,申请号:CN201010156001.7,申请日: 2010.04.23,公开(公告)号: CN101831076A,授权证号:ZL 2010 1 0156001.7
26. 曹学君,王海霞,一种的pH敏感溶解可逆聚合物、其制备方法及用途,中国发明专利,申请号:200910044914.7,申请日: 2009.01.06,公开号: CN101497675,授权专利号:ZL 2009 1 0044914.7
27. 曹学君,陈金朋,苗述,两种光敏感可逆溶解成相聚合物、其制备方法及形成的光敏性再生型两水相体系,中国发明专利,申请号:200910044916.6,申请日: 2009.01.06,公开号: CN101497676,授权专利号:ZL 2009.1 0044916.6
28. 曹学君,苗述,陈金朋,热敏成相聚合、其制备方法及相关的热-pH敏感再生型两水相体系,中国发明专利, 申请号:200910044915.1,申请日:2009.01.06,公开号: CN101475666,授权专利号:ZL 2009.1 0044915.1
29. 曹学君,王伟,宁标, 可组成全回用两水相体系的聚合物,中国发明专利,申请号:
200810032619.5, 申请日:2008.1.14 公开号:CN 101235120A
30. 曹学君,许紫芸,熊去氧胆酸分子印迹聚合物及其制备方法,申请号:2006100310291,
申请日期:2006-9-11, 公开号:CN 1935880A,授权专利号:ZL 2006 1 0031029.1
31. 曹学君,晋永红,一种制备7-酮石胆酸的方法, 申请号:200610029416.1,申请日期:
2005-04-28,公开号: CN 1912192A ,授权专利号:ZL 2006 1 002 9416.1
32. 曹学君,文闻,离子交换溶解可逆光敏聚合物, 申请号:200610028929.0, 申请日期:
2006.7.14,授权专利号:ZL 2006 1 002 8929.0
33. 曹学君,沈莉莉, 一种用于亲和沉淀分离系统的可再生聚合物及其制备方法。申请号:
200510025518.1, 申请日期:2005.4.28, 公开号:CN 1693327A,授权专利号:ZL 2005 1 0025518.1
34. 曹学君,秦伟,一种用于两水相体系的pH 敏感型可再生两性离子聚合物及其制备方法。
申请号:200510025520.9,申请日期:2005.4.28, 公开号:CN 1693325A,授权专利号:ZL 2005 1 0025520.9
35. 曹学君,孔凡旗,一种用于两水相系统的光敏感可再生聚合物。申请号:
200510024672.7,申请日期:2005.3.28, 公开号:CN 1687162A,授权专利号:ZL 2005
1 0024672.7
36. 曹学君,何洁敏,一种鹅去氧胆酸的制备方法, 申请号:03151475.8, 申请日期:
2003.9.29, 公开号:CN 1528779A ,授权 ZL 03 1 51475.8
1. 光解水制氢技术研发(2020.11-2030.10,企业合作,负责)
2. 生物酶法炼制羊尾脂工艺开发(2020.5-2030.4,企业合作,负责)
3. 再生型两水相体系分离泰素乐菌(2019.9-2029.8,企业合作,负责)
4. 发酵产品分离纯化放大过程指导(2016.3-2017.12,企业合作,负责)
5. 电化学技术生产熊去氧胆酸(2015.3-2025.2,企业合作,负责)
6. 再生型两水相体系成相与分配的分子调控机制及其应用研究(2014.1-2017.12,21376078,国家自然科学基金,负责)
7. 亲和沉淀技术分离谷氨酰胺转氨酶及多聚赖氨酸(2012.9-2016.12,企业合作,负责)
8. 再生型两水相体系中固定化青霉素酰化酶合成头孢丙烯(2011.12-2016.11, 企业合作,负责)
9. 食用菌功能成份的挖掘和利用研究,(2012.11-2015.12, 沪农科攻字(2012)第2-9号,上海市农委,主要参与者)
10. 十二五”863重大化工产品的先进生物制造重大项目-柠檬酸了葡萄糖酸的生物转化技术(2011AA02A213,2011.1-2012.12, 牵头人)
11. 促溶离子提高反胶束萃取效率的机制与应用研究(2010.1-2012.12,国家自然科学基金,批准号:20976052,负责)
12. “十一五”国家重大新药创制专项-生物技术新药中试放大及分离纯化技术平台(:2009ZX09306-001, 2009.1-2010.12, 主要参与者)
13. pH-pH再生型两水相萃取多粘菌素(2010.4-2013.4,企业合作,负责 )
14. 再生型两水相体系制备放大与分子印迹大孔吸附剂分离林可霉素、欧典螺旋霉素及去甲金霉素(2009.1-2019.12,企业合作,负责)
15. 再生型两水相体系的构建与应用,生物反应器工程国家重点实验室重点项目,(2009.1-2010.12负责)
16. 多孔硅胶表面分子印迹吸附剂在超临界条件下的分离行为(2007.1-2009.12, 国家自然科学基金,批准号:20676032,负责)
17. 光敏可再生两水相成相材料的研制(2005.1-2007.12,国家自然科学基金,批准号:20474016,负责)
18. 两水相体系交联酶相转移催化合成头孢IV。(1999.1-2001.12,国家自然科学基金,批准号:29873014,负责)
19. 环境敏感型可再生两水相体系的研制(2002.9-2004.8,教育部留学回国人员启动基金,负责)
20. 有机电化学合成熊去氧胆酸(2009.8-2019.8, 企业合作,负责)
21. 反胶束萃取技术工业制备胰蛋白酶(2007.10-2012.9, 企业合作,负责)
22. 茶与茶籽资源综合利用(企业合作,2006.1-2010.12,负责)
23. 环境友好的鹅去氧胆酸提取纯化方法(2002.7-2006.1,企业合作,负责)
24. 胰激肽原酶与胰蛋白酶分离工艺(2002.4-2006.1,企业合作,负责)
25. 硫酸软骨素A 组分的生产工艺 (2002.11-2006.1, 负责)
26. 修饰分子筛在超临界条件下分离DHA与EPA。(2001.1-2002.1,在韩国仁荷大学博士后研究课题)
27. 乳酸分离与偶合发酵 (2000.1-2001.12,在韩国仁荷大学博士后研究课题)
28. 基因工程酸性成纤维细胞生长因子纯化,(1998.7-1998.12,子课题负责)
29. 反渗透浓缩6-APA , (1997.7-1998.6,企业合作,负责)
30. 尿激酶的分离与纯化 (1996.9-1999.12,企业合作,负责)
31. 亲和超滤大规模纯化技术的基础研究, (国家自然科学基金, 1993.9-1996.7,博士论文)
32. 青霉素酰化酶基因工程菌在两水相中的催化反应,上海市自然科学基金,(1990.9-1993.8, 第二完成人)
33. 卷曲霉素除热原新工艺应用研究,1990年获河南信阳地区科技进步二等奖(1986.12-1990.7, 第二完成人)
1. Enzyme Engineering Conference 13th (Oct. 17-19, 1995, San Diego, USA)
2. Young Asia Biochemical Engineering Conference(9th YABEC 2003, Nov 13-15, 2003, Cheju Island, Korea )
3. 3rd International Symposium on Biotechnology,.Dec.13-19, 2005, Sindh, Pakistan
4. Visiting Lehigh University, University of Houston, April 8-17, 2007, USA.
5. The 13th Symposium of Young Asian Biochemical Engineers’ Community,(YABEC 07), Oct 22-24, 2007,Seoul, Korea.
6. The 14th Symposium of Young Asian Biochemical Engineers’ Community,(YABEC 08), Nov 29-31, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
7. Visiting University of DUNDEE, Glasgow Caledonian University, Aug 9-14, 2010, UK.
8. The 17th Symposium of Young Asian Biochemical Engineers’ Community,(YABEC 2011), Oct. 7-9, 2011, Incheon, Korea.
9. Visiting University of Idaho, Washington State University,April 18-23, 2011, USA.
10. The 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2012) September 16-21, 2012, Daegu, Korea.
11. Visiting Technical University of Munich, May 19-24, 2013, Munich, Germany.
12. XIith European congress on catalysis, September 1-6, 2013, lyon, France.
13. 5th World Congress on Biotechnology, June 25-27, 2014, Valencia Conference Centre, Spain.
14. 7th Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB) Regional Symposium 2016, Hue city,